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Soul Revolution

1 Mar

Revolution is a biological function that can only be repressed for so long until it either destroys the individual or explodes in full realization of ones full humanness.  In the case of a society this function gestates until  its people are ready to bear the mantle of revolutionaries a realize their humanness.

We revolve on a daily basis as the moon revolves about the earth that  revolves about the sun as the hajji revolves about the Kaaba as the electron revolves around the the nucleus of the atom as blood revolves through our body. Seasons revolve throughout the year as water revolves through the environment.

Revolution is a way of life. Revolution is a human emotion.

We we are constantly revolving towards Allah as the Arabic word for forgiveness means”to return to Allah.”

We originate from soil and we return to the soil.

Revolution is our journey towards Allah.